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Blog / physical activity

From Winter to Spring: Essential Vitamins & Lifestyle Tips from Russian pharmacy USA Apteka - USA Apteka
Read article to explore the changes that occur in our bodies during winter and learn strategies to rejuvenate our bodies and embrace spring with vitality and health
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How to Use Herbs: Instructions for Use from Russian pharmacy USA Apteka - USA Apteka
A comprehensive guide to herbs, conveniently categorized by their uses, from our Russian online pharmacy in USA
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Sprained muscles and ligaments: a treatment guide from Russian pharmacy USA Apteka - USA Apteka
Take a look at advices on how to prevent and treat sprains, as well as what Russian remedies and medications you can buy online in the USA for your home first aid kit in case you sprain your ankle or pull a muscle or ligament
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Healthy Habits for Heart Health - USA Apteka
In this article, we at USA Apteka will walk you through some of the most beneficial habits for heart health! Read now!
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