Return policy
Return Policy for Domestic (USA) Orders:
Our commitment to satisfaction includes a 7-day return window from the day you receive your item. Should you decide to return an item, please ensure it remains in the pristine condition in which it was delivered—unworn or unused, with all original tags attached, and within its original packaging. A receipt or proof of purchase is also necessary to facilitate the return.
To initiate a return, reach out to us at We will guide you on where to send the returned item. Please note, a return cannot be processed without prior communication.
Upon approval of your return, we will provide a shipping label and detailed instructions for the return shipment. It's important to note that items returned without prior request will not be accepted.
For any inquiries regarding returns, please feel free to contact us at the same email address.
Return Policy for International Orders:
International customers are afforded a 7-day return policy, starting from the date of item receipt. To begin the return process, please contact us directly at
Damages and Issues:
Upon receiving your order, please inspect the items immediately. If you encounter any defects, damages, or if the wrong item has been sent, contact us without delay so we can assess the situation and rectify any errors.
Exceptions / Non-Returnable Items:
Please note, items purchased on sale or gift cards cannot be returned. If you have questions or concerns about a specific item, do not hesitate to contact us.
For those wishing to exchange an item, we recommend returning the original item first. Once the return is accepted, you may then place a new order for the item you prefer.
After receiving and inspecting your returned item, we will inform you about the status of your refund. Approved refunds will be credited back to your original payment method within 10 business days. Keep in mind that the banking institution or credit card issuer might require additional time to process the refund.
If you have not received your refund after 15 business days from approval, please get in touch with us at