A first aid kit should be packed with exactly what you might need in your situation. In this article we break down the types of kits and what to include in each.
Beat the Cough: Top Picks from USA Apteka
Coughing is more than just an annoying symptom; it's your body's way of clearing out irritants. But when does a cough shift from being a natural reflex to a sign of something more serious? Let's dive into the world of coughs, their types, causes, and how you can treat them with over-the-counter (OTC) products from your trusted Russian pharmacy.

Why Do We Cough?
Coughing is a natural reflex that helps clear your airways of irritants like dust, smoke, and mucus. However, persistent coughing can be a sign of an underlying issue such as a respiratory infection, allergies, or even chronic conditions like asthma.
Dry Cough
A dry cough doesn't produce any mucus and is often caused by irritants or viral infections. It can feel like a tickle in the throat and is generally more annoying than harmful.
Wet Cough
A wet cough, on the other hand, produces mucus or phlegm and is usually a sign of a bacterial infection or some form of lung disease. This type of cough can be more concerning and often requires medical attention.
Over-the-Counter Solutions: What's in the Russian Store Near Me?
Pertussin Cough Syrup
Pertussin is a popular choice for both dry and wet coughs. It contains natural ingredients that help to soothe the throat and break down mucus.
Lazolvan is effective for wet coughs as it helps to expel phlegm from the respiratory tract, making it easier to breathe.
Doctor Mom
This herbal-based cough syrup is a favorite in many Russian households. Doctor Mom is excellent for mild coughs and is suitable for children as well.
BROMHEXINE 8 mg 25 tab - БРОМГЕКСИН 8 мг 25 табл
These are mucolytic agents that help break down mucus, making it easier to cough up. They are generally used for wet coughs.
This is a plant-based remedy that has been used for generations. Thermopsis is effective for both dry and wet coughs.
Check out these products as well:
Mukaltin - Мукалтин
Acc Long 20 tab - Ацц Лонг 20 табл шипучие
Cough tablets with thermopsis 10 - Таблетки от кашля с термопсисом 10
Bromhexine 8 mg 20 tab - Бромгексин 8 мг 20 табл
Bronchophyt 20s - Бронхофит в пакетиках 20шт
Licorice root syrup 100ml - Солодки сироп 100мл
Breathing freedom species pectorals 50g - Сбор Свобода дыхания 50гр
Species Pectorales #3 50gr - Грудной Сбор №3 50гр
Ambrobene syrup 100 ml - Амбробене сироп 100 мл
Bromhexine syrup 60ml - Бромгексин сироп 60мл
Herbion Iceland Moss Syrup 150 ml - Гербион® Сироп Исландского моха 150 мл
Ingalipt N Spray 30 gr - Ингалипт-Н Спрей 30 г
Mustards 10 sachet - Горчичники 10 пакетиков
Natural badger fat 100% purified 250 ml - Барчусий жир 250 мл
Badger fat 100 caps - Барсучий жир 100 капсул
Bee Propolis glue - Прополис
Chlorophyllipt spray 15 ml - Хлорофилипт 15 мл
Yox-Teva spray 30ml - Йокс Тева спрей 30 мл
Sage Evalar lozenges 20 tab - Шалфей Эвалар 20 таб
Pectorales Species №2 50 gr - Грудной Сбор №2 50 г
Children's tea for dry or mixed cough - Чай детский при сухом или смешанном кашле
Septolete Lozenges Total Lemon and Elderflower 16 tab - Септолете Тотал Лимон и Бузина 16 таб
Icelandic moss 25 gr - Исландский мох 25 г
Lazolvan syrop 100 ml - Лазолван сироп 100 мл
Linkas syrup 120 ml - Линкас сироп 120 мл
Althaea Officinalis 50 gr - Алтея корни 50 г
Coltsfoot Leaves herb 30gr - Мать-и-мачехи листья 30 г
Strepsils with vitamin C orange 24 lozenges - Стрепсилс с Витамином С со вкусом Апельсина 24 пастилки
Linkas lozenge 16 - Линкас 16 пастилок
Lozenges Dr.Theiss Angisept 24 pcs with sage flavor - Пастилки Доктор Тайс Анги септ 24 шт со вкусом шалфея
Where to Buy
Wondering where to buy these OTC products? Look no further.
Head over to USA Apteka and take advantage of free delivery on orders over $49. Your health is our priority, and we're here to make sure you and your family breathe easy.
So, the next time you're pondering about 'cough how to' treat it, remember, relief is just a click away. Shop now and breathe easy!
Understanding the type and cause of your cough is the first step in effective treatment. With a variety of OTC options available at your local Russian pharmacy, treating a cough has never been easier. Always consult with a healthcare provider for persistent or severe symptoms.
Note: All the OTC products mentioned are recommendations. Consult your healthcare provider before starting any new medication.
Happy breathing!